Our schools and learning programme - 2024

We offer traditional visits and bespoke workshops at the museum as well as digital engagements and visits to your school or Adult Education Setting even if this is outside of the Greater Manchester Area.

FREE School workshops offer!

 For a limited time only, we are delivering free sessions in schools on a first come first served basis. This is thanks to generous funding from the Co-operatives UK retailers' membership in our 180th year to deliver sessions in schools on a first come first served basis. These sessions can take place anywhere in the country, so contact us quickly to book them in!

Primary School - Key Stage 1 and 2

* We are able to welcome school groups to the museum and offer Tuesdays for exclusive use of the building.

* Schools can borrow our loans boxes to engage with objects that tell a story about our shared co-operative past.

* We can visit any school in the country –although pricing will vary based on distance. Contact us for more details!

Read our booklet about the full schools offer, plus pricing: finalks12schoolsprogramme2024.pdf

To check availability, book a session or borrow a loans box email [email protected]

For Secondary School and Adult learners (KS3+)

We offer a digital session aimed at KS3 covering the Industrial Revolution and the impact of the co-operative movement on working class lives in the 19th and 20th Centuries. This includes a pack of resources sent in advance and time to connect with the museum via video link once you have completed the activities.

We can also offer bespoke sessions covering key secondary school topics, including co-operatives and citizenship and British social history throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries.

We can also provide sessions for adults learners. We can create bespoke sessions to complement adult literacy or ESOL, as well as lifelong learning and skills. Some of these sessions can be used to help these new to co-ops, social enterprises and 'B-Corps' understand the co-op values and principles.

Lastly, we have a reminiscence loans bag which is available for hire. This loans bag is aimed at groups of adults over 65 and is designed to be dementia friendly.

Read our KS3+ booklet for more information and how to book a session: finalks3+learningprogramme2024.pdf

If your school is in Rochdale : Our organisation supports the Historic England 'Heritage Schools' programme which helps school pupils explore the history of the places they live. If you would like to be involved in the new scheme for 2024 or try some of the detective skills local children learned in the previous Rochdale Cluster, click this link for ideas and resources. Historic England's Heritage Schools