The Trust team created some resources during the 2020 lockdown while the museum was closed. 

The packs have been designed with Key Stage outcomes so are ideal or homeschooling or to accompany a visit or school workshop to our museum.

If you need any help with them or would like to ask us some questions we are happy to help. Please email us at [email protected].

Key Stage 1

KS1_Science CHT Co-operative_Animals_worksheet.pdf

This exercise uses science to explore co-operation and co-operative behaviours. Pupils will compare fact profiles of six different animals to see if they behave co-operatively. We will learn what is and isn't co-operative animal behaviour as well as other fun facts about the six animals.


This pack will teach KS1 children about life in Rochdale during the Victorian era. They can compare the lives of rich and poor and the homes they lived in. They will also see that children were expected to work in mills and reflect on what that might have been like. 


Take a trip to the Pioneers Store in 1844 with this KS1 maths activity. Learn what they used to sell when the store first opened and use your maths skills to help them with some sums. 


This activity is based on the values of co-operation: Work together to help the Schofield Family get all their farm jobs done and find out how co-operative you can be as a group.

Key Stage 2


Pupils can take on the ultimate co-operative challenge in this virtual escape task. Use literacy and numeracy skills to travel from your home to our target destination, getting help from co-operators across the country along the way. Can you make it to the target before the time runs out?


Through this worksheet children can explore how being co-operative and a good citizen are linked. We will use the traditional co-operative values to do this. They can also learn about democracy and how you can use it with co-operation to make positive changes in your life. 


In 1971 when the UK changed from old money to decimalisation shopkeepers had to change the prices in their stores overnight. Children will convert the prices in a 1971 Co-op Supermarket using the tools provided. Learn what things used to cost nearly 50 years ago and help a co-op shopkeeper make the changes.


This activity pack (aimed at upper KS2) takes children through the history of the Rochdale Pioneers establishing the world's first successful co-operative on Toad Lane in 1844. They will discover why Rochdale was the site of this world changing event and what inspired the Pioneers to open their store.


Our Map detectives activity teaches children how to utilise Google Maps and other online resources to learn more about the history of the community buildings around them. Children can also develop a creative response to what they have learned and share it with us at the Co-operative Heritage Trust.


This activity must be done with supervision of an adult as it requires using ovens and cooking equipment. We will learn about why the Pioneers sold honest food at honest prices. Then, children can use common store cupboard ingredients (as used by the Pioneers) to make some delicious Pioneer Biscuits.

Key Stage 3 for older pupils / historical investigation


2021 celebrates 250 years since the birth of Robert Owen - known as the 'Father of Co-operation'. Using this pack KS3 pupils can complete a historical investigation to examine and analyse historical sources to answer questions about Owen, his role in reform and the Industrial Revolution in Britain. They can also make their own "Silent Monitor" using a template.